Ecchu Man-yo Karuta--NIPPON OMIYAGE AWARD Japan Federation of Merchants Chairman's Prize


  • Folk crafts

  • Toyama Prefecture

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Art / Traditional crafts
Hokuriku-Shinetsu Toyama
Acquire The Charm of Japan! Souvenirs that Shine in the NIPPON OMIYAGE AWARD
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Ecchu Manyo Karuta--NIPPON OMIYAGE AWARD Japan Federation of Merchants Chairman's Prize

998g--4,400 yen

This is a karuta-style anthology of Etchu-related poems from the Manyoshu anthology, centering on Ohtomo-no-Yakamochi's poems composed in Etchu, in the style of the Ogura Hyakunin Isshu.

It was created nearly 40 years ago by Takaoka Kojo Lions Club, supervised by Dr. Nakanishi Susumu, planned by Takaoka City Board of Education. Every year in January, an Ecchu Manyo karuta tournament is held for several hundred people, and at one time it was even included in the Guinness Book of Records.

BUNENDO co., ltd.

5-2-20 Ekinan Takaoka City Toyama Prefecture

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