Keio Department Store's Ekiben Fair: Fun, tasty octopus ekiben!


  • Japanese Food

  • Bento

  • Food Event

01 / 01
Keio Shinjuku Department Store
Kanto Tokyo
2023-01-07 10:00 - 2023-01-21 17:00
Keio Department Store Shinjuku 7F Event Space

Hyogo Prefecture's popular ekiben (train station lunch box) "Hipparidakomeshi (ひっぱりだこ飯)" is available in 4 different versions!

Can you guess what these containers resemble? Octopus fishing pots! Hyogo Prefecture is a famous region for octopus fishing. And of course, each lunch box is filled with octopus🐙

These are all available at Keio Department Store's "EKIBEN FAIR" until Sunday, January 22nd. Which octopus pot do you prefer?

[Event Info]
Ekiben & Japanese Local Gourmet Fair
Event Period: JAN 7 (SAT) to JAN 22 (SUN) 2023
Hours: 10AM to 8PM
*JAN 15 (SUN) and last day closes at 5PM.
Location: Keio Department Store 7F Event Space

Receive 1,000 yen off coupon when purchasing 5,000 yen or more at Ekiben Fair! Show your Ekiben Fair receipts and passport at 2F Foreign Customer Counter.
*Coupon can be used for shopping at Keio Department Store. Please ask staff for more details.

Hipparidakomeshi (ひっぱりだこ飯): 1,200 yen
From Hyogo Prefecture, Nishi-Akashi Sta. (Sanyo Main Line)

The original Hipparidakomeshi. The pot is filled with tender octopus, conger eel, and seasonal vegetables. Never get tired of eating this ekiben😊

Hipparidakomeshi Japan Coast Guard Version (海の「もしも」は118番 ひっぱりだこ飯): 1,300 yen
From Hyogo Prefecture, Nishi-Akashi Sta. (Sanyo Main Line)

Hipparidakomeshi made in collaboration with the Japan Coast Guard to raise awareness of the emergency call number "118" at sea. Inside the eye-catching dark blue pot is octopus, beautifully carved squid, and plenty of vegetables.

Hipparidakomeshi Hyogo Prefectural Police Version (兵庫県警版 ひっぱりだこ飯): 1,480 yen
From Hyogo Prefecture, Nishi-Akashi Sta. (Sanyo Main Line)

Hyogo Prefectural Police's patrol car turns into a pot🚓 The wrapping paper is designed to raise awareness of fraud.

Hipparidakomeshi Sakana-kun Version (さかなクンひっぱりだこ飯): 1,600 yen
From Hyogo Prefecture, Nishi-Akashi Sta. (Sanyo Main Line)

"Sakana-kun (さかなクン)" is a famous fish expert in Japan and also the Akashi Octopus Ambassador. This pot is designed just like his trademark, blowfish-shaped hat🐡 Octopus, grilled sea bream, and carrot cut in the shape of sea bream, and vegetables are filled inside.

Come enjoy the fun and excitement at Keio's Ekiben Fair♫

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