Japanese candles preserve the light of tradition in Uchiko Town, Ehime Prefecture

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Uchiko Town is a small town in southern Ehime Prefecture, about an hour's drive from Matsuyama City. Traditional townhouses and wealthy merchants' mansions line the streets, creating a nostalgic atmosphere. Children going to school and postmen running around busily can be seen on the streets, creating a traditional Japanese landscape.

Uchiko town prospered from the Edo period through the Meiji period through the production of Japan wax. Japan wax is an oil extracted from the skin of the wax tree and is mainly used as a raw material for Japanese candles. Japan wax from Uchiko town was of high quality and apparently held a large share of the national market.

This time, we will introduce 「Omori Japanese Candle Shop」, the only Japanese candle shop in Ehime Prefecture, located in Uchiko town.

Step inside the store and you'll be transported to another world. Japanese candles of various sizes are lined up. Omori Japanese Candle Shop has a long history, having been founded about 200 years ago. They continue to preserve the traditions of Japanese candles that have been passed down since the Edo period. Currently, Taro, the sixth generation owner, and his son Ryotaro are working hard to make Japanese candles.

▲You can see the candle-making process on the wooden floor inside the store

The Japanese candles at this shop are made using the ancient Japanese traditional method of 「raw application,」 in which melted wood wax is carefully applied layer by layer by hand to a handmade wick made of washi paper, wick (the pith of rush grass), and silk cotton.

These are simple, rustic Japanese candles that are not painted or scented.

The light of a Japanese candle has a beautiful flickering flame, bringing warmth and comfort to your life.

Also, unlike candles made from petroleum, they don't produce soot or smell, and if you don't blow air on them, the wax won't drip, and they burn beautifully until the very end.

What did you think?

If you're interested in Japanese candles, why not visit Omori Japanese Candle Shop in Uchiko Town, Ehime Prefecture? There you can see up close a demonstration of the traditional Japanese method of 「raw application.」

Message for guests visiting Japan

Uchiko is a town nestled among the mountains in Ehime Prefecture.

It's a town where traditional industries such as washi paper and wood wax thrive, and for six generations since the Edo period, we have been making Japanese candles.

It's a part of our daily lives for visitors to peer through the glass at us working silently on the wooden floor that leads off from the dirt floor.

We want to cherish and protect the traditions and scenery of Japanese candles, so that the Japanese candles made here can bring a little light to the daily lives of those who use them.

Store Information

Address and Access

Address 2214, Uchiko, Uchiko-cho, Kita-gun, Ehime, 791-3301, Japan

Open 9:00 - 17:00