A town full of sunshine: Kushimoto, Wakayama Prefecture

The Kii Peninsula, Japan's largest peninsula jutting out into the Pacific Ocean, has many spectacular natural scenic spots woven by nature.

The area around the Kushimoto area, where nature along the coast is preserved as Yoshino Kumano National Park, faces the Pacific Ocean and offers both sunrise and sunset views.

This article introduces some of the most spectacular places to visit in the Kushimoto area.

Sunrise spot: Hashigakeiwa

First, let me introduce you to the spectacular sunrise view of Hashigakeiwa. Hashigakeiwa is a rock vein formed by volcanic activity on the seafloor and erosion by seawater, and consists of more than 40 rock pillars of various sizes arranged over a distance of about 850 meters. Its unique shape and beauty attract visitors. In the early morning, the sky gradually begins to lighten as the sun's rays penetrate through the Hashigakeiwa. The view is so magical that you can feel a full sense of energy, as if it were a celebration of the beginning of the day.

Spectacular daytime view: Kushimoto area as seen from the Kanayama Observatory

Located about 15 minutes by car from Hashigakeiwa, the Kinzan Observatory on Kii Oshima offers a panoramic view of the vast ocean and mountains, including Hashigakeiwa. When illuminated by the bright daylight, each rock stands out in its own detail with contrasting even more beautifully with the blue of the sea and the green of the mountains. The unique geological landscape of the Kii Peninsula allows visitors to feel the dynamic formation of the earth.

Sunset Spot: Shiomisaki Lighthouse

Located about 15 minutes by car from Hashigakeiwa, Shiomisaki is a cape jutting out into the Pacific Ocean, and from its position you can see the vast expanse of sea and sky. The sunset seen here is so beautiful as the sun sinks into the horizon as it creates a magnificent scene where the sky and the sea become one. Time seems to slow down considerably as you watch the sun set while listening to the sound of waves crashing on the shore in front of the vast ocean

Starry sky spot: Kashinozaki

In the Kushimoto area, friendly relations between Turkey and the town of Kushimoto began in 1890, when a Turkish warship was shipwrecked near the town of Kushimoto, and the islanders of Kii Oshima helped rescue the crew. At Kashinozaki on Kii Oshima Island, there is a memorial hall as a sign of friendship between Turkey and Kushimoto Town, as well as a cenotaph and a statue of the first president riding a horse. At night, the sky is filled with stars in the background of the equestrian statues, and you will be tempted to forget about the time and gaze at them for a long time. Why not visit with a camera and a tripod?

Souvenir Spot: Kishu Binchotan Gallery (South Sky Co., Ltd.)

At the Kishu-binchotan Gallery in Kushimoto Town, visitors can experience the beauty of Kishu-binchotan that photographs cannot convey. In addition to its use as cooking fuel, Kishu-binchotan has excellent functions such as deodorizing, humidity control, and water purification. The gallery displays and sells many interior ornaments inspired by nature and Japanese gardens, which are popular as interior decorations for hotels and homes because of their glamorous appearance. Kishu-binchotan is the only charcoal that has high hardness and can be carried on board airplanes so that it is recommended for visitors to Japan. In recent years, Kushimoto-cho has seen a flurry of excitement from local events such as the launch of a commercial rocket and the 20th anniversary of the registration of Kumano Kodo as a World Heritage site. When visiting the town of Kushimoto, we highly recommend a visit to the Kishu Binchotan Gallery. You can experience the beauty of binchotan in a room as refreshing as if you had an air purifier on.

In addition to the natural scenery represented by Hashigakeiwa, the Kushimoto area in Wakayama Prefecture is full of attractions such as history and culture, fresh seafood, and a variety of outdoor activities that could not be introduced in this article. The more I learned about the charms and origins of the region, the more I felt the dynamic nature of the earth and the preciousness of life on earth.

Author Profile

Born in Kobe City, Hyogo Prefecture. Growing up in a rich natural environment at the foot of Mt. Rokko, he was exposed to nature through mountain climbing with his parents as a child. Since student days, he visited the USA and Australia and felt the mystical value of the vast nature there. After that, he have spent his daily life wishing to realize wellbeing through nature activities.

How to get to Kushimoto Town, Wakayama Prefecture

■From Nanki Shirahama Airport by plane

〇Train: Take a local bus or cab to JR Shirahama Station, then take the limited express Kuroshio from JR Shirahama Station to Kushimoto (about 55 minutes by limited express).

〇Rental car: about 55 km (about 1 hour) using Kisei Expressway


■Train: Take the JR Kinokuni Line from Kyoto, Shin-Osaka, or Tennoji to Kushimoto Station.
(About 2 hours and 40 minutes from Shin-Osaka by limited express Kuroshio)

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