Tour for Hashigui-iwa Rocks and "Ohechi" of Kumano Kodo


  • Wakayama

  • Kushimoto

  • Kumano Kodo

  • nature

  • culture

  • geosite

  • experience

  • tour

Kansai Wakayama
2023-10-01 00:00 - 2024-03-31 23:30
Roadside Station Hashigui-iwa 1549-8 Kujinokawa, Kushimoto-cho, Higashimuro-gun, Wakayama Prefecture 649-3511

Kushimoto Tour in Wakayama
No.2 Tour of Hashigui-iwa Rock and "Ohechi" of Kumano Kodo Trail

Not only the Hashigui-iwa Rocks? You will search for the Hashigui-iwa Rocks and local secrets along with Daishi's history!

【Attractiveness of this tour】
◆ History and culture

You can experience the local history and culture, such as about the "Kujinokawa" district where the Hashigui-iwa Rocks are, Ohechi of the Kumano Kodo that passes through there, and the legend of Kobo Daishi.

◆ Natural environment

You will see a magnificent view from a high-place observation location that can command the Hashigui-iwa Rocks as a whole. You can experience the local nature including undeveloped mountains, plants and insects at swamps, and how the back of the Hashigui-iwa Rocks is.

◆ Things to be able to learn
You can learn how the Hashigui-iwa Rocks have been formed, and also the nature, history and culture developed there.

【Guide information】

Guide Team of Nanki Kushimoto Tourism Association

(Left)Ms. Hiroko Shibasaki
(Center)Mr. Kazuo Ueno
(Right)Mr. Takamaru Nakae

Other guides than the above guides may guide us on the day of the tour.

【Tour information】
●Smallest number of people possible that enables tour to take place

At least three people

●Target ages
Elementary school students or older
※Elementary school students can participate if accompanied by their guardians.

●Time required

2 and a half hours
You will walk approximately 4 km in the tour (within this distance, slightly shorter than 1 km on a pebbly beach and mountain paths).


Adult : \6,000
Those who are elementary school students or younger : \3,000
※Please pay the charge in cash to your guide at the meeting place on the day of the tour. Please prepare your charge so that no change will be needed.
※The above charges include the price of a soft drink or soft serve sold at the Roadside Station Hashigui-iwa. The charge for adults includes the price of a lunch meal as well.

●Cancelation policy

Previous day : 50%
Same day : 100%
※In case of cancelation, please contact by phone (Nanki Kushimoto Tourism Association: 0735-62-3171) or email (
※Depending on the day of cancelation, there will be a cancelation fee incurred with the above percentage.

●Items to carry on day of tour

(There are no vending machines except at the Roadside Station, which is the place for our start and goal.)
・Shoes that make it easy for you to walk
(such as sport shoes, simple climbing shoes, etc. that you are used to wearing)
・Clothes and cap/hat that make it easy for you to move
・Precautionary measures against insects, sunscreen or precautionary measures coldness, according to season

●Schedule for day of tour
Meeting up at the Roadside Station Hashigui-iwaGoogle Maps
Please meet up at the Roadside Station Hashigui-iwa (1549-8 Kujinokawa Kushimoto-cho, Higashimuro-gun, Wakayama Prefecture 649-3511).

・9:30 Start of tour
The tour will start with the Roadside Station Hashigui-iwa positioned behind us, and you will head for the the Kujino-kawa River. As our path converges with Ohechi of the Kumano Kodo, you will soon arrive at a high-place observation location that can command the Hashigui-iwa Rocks as a whole. From there you will again move to the beach and observe places, such as one associated with Kobo Daishi, from behind the Hashigui-iwa Rocks.

・The return to the Roadside Station Hashigui-iwa is expected at 12 p.m., followed by the dismissal.

【Reservation for tour】
●Deadline for reservation
It is possible to make a reservation for the tour until noon of the previous day.
(Example:In the case of a reservation for Sep. 10, the deadline for the reservation is 12 p.m., Sep. 9.)

Reservation from here

Please select a date where there is an available slot, looking at Google Calendar.
Reservations are possible via the form situated below the Calendar.

【Related Pages】
Kushimoto Tour in Wakayama  Tour List Page
Town with Rockets SpaceTown Kushimoto  Special Features Page 

Contact information
Nanki Kushimoto Tourism Association
33 Kushimoto, Kushimoto-cho, Higashimuro-gun, Wakayama Prefecture 649-3503 (on JR Kushimoto Station's premises)
Tel.: 0735-62-3171 / FAX: 0735-62-1070 / Email:
Opening hours: 08:30 - 17:30 (Open throughout the year)