Sakurajima Service Area Outbound in Kyushu Expressway

01 / 05
Kyushu Kagoshima
2356 Nishikita, Aira City, Kagoshima, 899-5431
Sakurajima Service Area Outbound on Kyushu Highway
Business hours
Monday  07:00-22:00
Tuesday  07:00-22:00
Wednesday  07:00-22:00
Thursday  07:00-22:00
Friday  07:00-22:00
Saturday  07:00-22:00
Sunday  07:00-22:00
Closed Day:なし • Facilities: restaurant, food court, shopping corner and information booth
Phone number
Store types
Rest area / roadside station

We are a service area located at the entrance of Kagoshima, at the southernmost tip of Kyushu.
We have a wealth of menu products like such as "Kuro pig", "Kuroge Wagyu", and products that make use of seafood like our fresh "bonito" which are special products of Kagoshima.
Please drop in when you visit Ibusuki and Sakurajima.

Facility services

  • Tax-free Shop