Shoo Service Area Inbound in Chugoku Expressway

Chugoku Okayama
409 Shikotani Kotoba Shoo, Katsuta District, Okayama, 709-4322
Business hours
Monday  00:00-00:00
Tuesday  00:00-00:00
Wednesday  00:00-00:00
Thursday  00:00-00:00
Friday  00:00-00:00
Saturday  00:00-00:00
Sunday  00:00-00:00
· Hours: restaurant, shopping 7: 00 ~ 21: 00, snack corner, some shops open 24 hours

· Facilities: Restaurant, Food Court, Shopping Corner, Information
· We also have a gas station (open 24 hours).
· About 820 m² dog park, a water fountain, toilets and trash bins.
Phone number
Store types
Rest area / roadside station
Products handled
Toys / Games
Books / Stationery

Katsuo Service Area is located between Kita Tsuyama City and Mimasaka City in the central eastern part of Okayama Prefecture on the Chinese Expressway. Surrounded by Katsuta gun and Katsuo Town, this is a very lucky place name.
Katsuo town is a symbol of the town in the end of Kintaro. Also, Tonari Mimasaka City is famous for Yuusui Onsen and is where Musashi Miyamoto was born. Tsuyama City's Tsuruyama Castle is a well known cherry blossoming spot.
Please stop by our service area for sightseeing trips.


Credit card

  • All kinds of credit cards

Facility services

  • FREE Wi-Fi

  • Parking lot