Kujikohaku Shop

Tohoku Iwate
19-156-133 Kokuji-cho, Kuji City, Iwate, 028-0071
15 minutes from JR Kuji station by car
Business hours
Monday  09:00-17:00
Tuesday  09:00-17:00
Wednesday  09:00-17:00
Thursday  09:00-17:00
Friday  09:00-17:00
Saturday  00:00-00:00
Sunday  00:00-00:00
Closed Day:12月31日、1月1日 The only amber-producing area in Japan. We centrally control everything from excavating amber to processing and selling it. We also process and sell amber ore from all over the world and run an Amber Museum and a restaurant.
Official website
Phone number
Store types
Traditional craft store
Products handled
Accessories / Jewelry

Amber is a fossilized conifer resin. The amber ore that we can mine from local Kuji is excavated from a geological stratum approximately 85 million years old. Besides Japan, this ore can also be mined in the Baltic Sea region of Russia and the Dominican Republic in Central America. A rarer type of ore is “Insect Amber,” in which an insect is shut inside amber. Because it is a fossil of tree resin, it has a light specific weight and is rich in color, and it is said that amber has approximately 250 colors. Generally speaking, many amber fossils are “tea-colored” or “whiskey-colored,” but there are also rarer tints, including a “blue amber” produced by changes that occur in response to ultraviolet rays. We have assembled rare amber ores from around the world and craft products (ornaments, etc.) made from amber and placed them on display at our Amber Museum. Inside the same space, there are also ateliers where accessories made from amber are manufactured and processed that you can see being made by hand. Activities where visitors can make their own one-of-a-kind original accessory are also popular.


Credit card

  • VISA

  • Master

  • JCB

  • UnionPay

  • Diners Club


  • All kinds of credit cards

Facility services

  • Tax-free Shop