Enjoy the 2nd sightseeing in Kyoto! Making sushi and experiencing ninja with sightseeing bus~Keihan bus 'OKOSHI bus'

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    • Kyoto
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  • Update date

    • 2024-08-24

The fun of Kyoto sightseeing consists of visiting 17 world heritage spots and various experiences. A bus tour that you can take to visit world heritage, to experience sushi making, ninjas at Studio park and sweets with cold matcha at a traditional shop, has commenced. It is helpful that you can make various experiences empty-handed, and there is also a tour conductor that can guide in English or Chinese.

Now let's see the contents of the sightseeing bus tour.
■Fun for Adults and Children alike, experiencing sushi making and tasting・・・Kyo・Suzaku "Sushi-Ichiba"

▲Left)Experience scene of maki-zushi making Right)Memory photo with happi coat, after making nigiri-zushi!

 At the sushi making workshop, you listen to the sushi master who explains how to make nigiri-zushi and maki-zushi with salmon and tuna to do it by yourself. Making sushi looks difficult for adults and children, but experiencing together is enjoyable and eating the sushi you made by yourself brings a happy time.

■Learning about Japanese sweets at the traditional Japanese sweets shop "Tawaraya Yoshitomi" founded in 1755 and trying cold matcha

At Kyogashi Museum, you can see ingredients, tools and the method of making Japanese sweets, and also listen to the stories about sweets in the world. You will be amazed by the splendor of ornamental "sweet confectionery" which expresses natural and typical elements of four seasons in an artistic way.

You can try a fresh sweet with the motif of four seasons with cold matcha. After learning how to drink matcha with a bowl, you will feel tranquility in your soul. "Kinton", the sweet on the photo is very fragile to eat. Take a challenge!

■You can have various experiences like being a ninja and trying shuriken at the "Toei Kyoto Studio Park" theme park.

Toei Kyoto Studio Park is the first theme park in Japan where you can visit scenes of filming movies and TV shows to get experiences of the world of movies and TV shows through outdoor sets, events and attractions. You can also dress up as a ninja (extra fee required). You can experience how to throw shuriken and the tricky ninja house, as well as visit a swordplay performance at Nakamuraza.
As well as ninja, you can also experience swordplay!

 After the swordplay performance by actors with replica katana, those who wish (there is a number limitation) can go on the stage to try a swordplay performance with actors. Your will perform as if your are the hero of historical drama.

・Recommended souvenir・・・Limited item "Ninja Shuriken Sablé" 12 pieces in a bag 650 yen (tax included)

 The “Ninja Shuriken Sable” is one of the most popular souvenirs from the Movie Village. These very tasty cookies with a crispy texture and low sweetness are limited to this facility, and are ideal as souvenirs.

■Visiting world heritageNijo-jo Castle which was also the accomodation of the Shogun

 Nijo-jo Castle was founded in 1603. There are lots of attractive places such as the national treasure "Ninomaru Palace" which is characteristic for the architectural style Bukefu-Shoinzukuri, "Ninomaru Garden", a garden with a style of pond with a circle-shaped path, and "Karamon", the luxurious and gorgeous important cultural property, as well as others.

■Message to foreign visitors to Japan
 It is difficult to go to the popular sightseeing sites or targeted locations for various experiences and make reservations from zero. "OKOSHI Bus" makes it easier. You can go to popular sites and shops by sightseeing bus and the tour conductor who has a lot of knowledge about culture and history can also speak in foreign languages (currently in Chinese and English), so you can enjoy your sightseeing in Kyoto easily. It takes about 7 hours and starts from Kyoto station.

▲Information center of "OKOSHI Bus" in front of Kyoto station

■Contact Details for Keihan Bus "OKOSHI Bus"
  Tour guides are available in Chinese on Mondays and in English on Fridays.
For more information, please visit the Kyoto Regular Sightseeing Bus “OKOSHI Bus” website. https://resv.kyototeikikanko.g...