"Cheap · delicious · narrow! Wooden dining area ""Yontomi Kaikan"" where you can taste deep Kyoto"

  • Area

    • Kansai
    • Kyoto
  • Categories

    • Region
    • Japanese culture
    • Food / Gourmet
  • Update date

    • 2019-08-08


If you come all the way to Kyoto, it is natural that you should be tempted to enjoy dining at an eating place that can’t be found in any other place than here. However, it isn’t easy on the wallets to have Kyoto cuisine so often as it is quite expensive. When you are wondering if there are interesting restaurants unique to Kyoto that you can enjoy more easily....
I would like to recommend to you a small retro wooden dining area. Behind the old and narrow counter seats you can not even draw chairs, there is a quite narrow kitchen that makes it hard for a shop owner to twist his body. A new page will be added to your Kyoto food experience when you get addicted to this shop that is like a cellar.
Even though the space is interesting, what about the taste? Of course it is great, because I am taking my time to introduce it.

Different space in the middle of downtown


As you can see, it looks like "Showa!" sound can be heard no matter where you knock. A long narrow passage in about one meter width is passing from the entrance to the end with a variety of eateries alongside it. Izakaya pub, wine bar, shochu bar, small restaurant, etc., etc ....
On the second floor, the owner lady was running a Yoshu Kissa (sounds like Showa!), which was closed several years ago in spite of being sadly missed. I heard that it was during the Showa 30 's when the building became its present form.

...... read the rest of the article on the TABIDO website
