Japanese Seto Inland Sea Salt And Lemon Kit Kats Help Areas With Heavy Rain And Flooding

  • 分类

    • 地区
    • 纪念品
    • 食物 / 美食
    • 其他
  • 更新日期

    • 2019-07-07


You can always count on Japanese Kit Kats to brave new flavor frontiers, as seen in the past with peach mint rum Kit Kats, the world's first ruby chocolate bar, and even Kit Kat sushi. However, Nestle Japan has also used their uniquely flavored Kit Kats to raise money for national disaster relief.

That's what Nestle Japan is doing retroactively with their latest flavor, Seto Inland Sea salt and lemon Kit Kats.


On July 3rd, as many as 1.1 million residents in southwestern Japan were instructed to evacuate their homes due torrential rains that resulted in mudslides and flooding. As ongoing recovery and stabilization efforts persist, Nestle Japan has decided to attach a donation bonus to their recently released Seto Inland Sea salt and lemon Kit Kats, with each package purchased sending 10 yen to relief efforts in the afflicted areas.

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