Hirome Market, Kochi - Local Cuisine Bringing People Together

  • 地区

    • 四国
    • 高知
  • 分类

    • 地区
    • 日本文化
    • 纪念品
    • 食物 / 美食
    • 其他
  • 更新日期

    • 2019-06-17

Hirome Market is one of Kochi Prefecture's most well-known sightseeing spots. Overflowing with shopping and entertainment, this market is a fun place to relax, socialize, and enjoy fresh food. We introduce the features of this market and how to visit.


Who hasn’t thought when traveling, “I just ate but I’m still a little hungry?"

In the center of Kochi Prefecture's Kochi City, is Hirome Market, a village of food stalls and shops. With over 60 bars, eateries, and stores to choose from, both tourists and locals are in abundance. Visitors don't just come here for the food, however, as Hirome Market also has its fair share of souvenir and clothing stores.

Bringing Together People, Food, and Drinks! 4 Reasons Why We Love Hirome Market:

1. Enjoy Dining In the Market!


You are free to eat and drink anything you buy from the market at the seats and tables provided. Please be aware you are not allowed to bring in food and drinks.

2. Socialize with Other Customers

Unlike other markets and eateries where you have your own seats and table, you can sit at any open spot in Hirome Market. Sit down, have a drink, and maybe make a friend or two!

3. The Fish is Delicious!


Kochi Prefecture is particularly famous for fish. In particular, their Katsuo Tataki (bonito grilled slightly over a flame) is known all over Japan.

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