Odate City Opened an Akita Inu Museum Where You Can Even Meet an Akita Dog

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    • 2019-05-26


Shiba inu may be the most recognisable Japanese breed at the moment, due to online antics such as running their own sweet potato stands or frolicking in flowers.

But one of Japan's other breeds Akita inu may be hot on the shibe's heels in terms of popularity. They have become another one of Japan’s ‘it’ dogs, with everyone, from gold medalist Olympians to politicians, wanting their own big fluffy Akita.

ã¹ã¯ãªã¼ã³ã·ã§ãã 2019-05-28 13.12.42

The most iconic Akita inu is probably Hachiko, the unshakingly loyal dog that still went to Shibuya station every day to meet his owner, even long after the owner had passed away. Hachiko is immortalised as a statue outside the station in Tokyo which has become a super popular tourist attraction.

Akita prefecture, the original home of these dogs, know that Akita inu are probably their hottest export right now, and are looking to tempt more visitors to the prefecture with an Akita inu museum.

The museum just opened up, and gives tourists a crash course in the history and characteristics of Akita dogs, as well as the chance to see one up close.

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