Orange Juice on Tap!?

  • 地区

    • 四国
    • 爱媛
  • 分类

    • 推荐
    • 体验报告
    • 地区
    • 纪念品
    • 食物 / 美食
    • 其他
  • 更新日期

    • 2018-09-03

When people think of Japanese oranges, they immediately think of Jeremiah Gottwald and Ehime Prefecture. Today we will be discussing the latter.

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Ehime’s synonymousness with oranges yielded an urban myth that all the taps in Ehime produced orange juice, but of course no myth remains a myth in Japan.

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At Matsuyama Airport, ‘Orange Bar’ offers to fulfill your wildest fantasies by providing the opportunity to drink orange juice out of a tap.

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Although it is a novelty, it offers an excellent and memorable way to enjoy Ehime’s famous oranges.