Explore The Living Legacy of The Traditional Japanese Kōgei Crafts

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    • 2018-09-15

Welcome to the annual 65th Japan Traditional Kōgei Exhibition. At the expansive Exhibition Halls of Nihombashi Mitsukoshi you are cordially invited to discover the here and now of the Japanese artisanal kōgei crafts.


Woodwork - Akio Watanabe

Opening the World of Kōgei to All

This exhibition gathers around 600 pieces from members of the public, as well as new work from individuals designated as Japan's Living National Treasures who have produced work recognized as Important Intangible Cultural Properties. The rigorously selected and strictly judged pieces are presented in the following 7 categories: ceramics, textiles, urushiwork , metalwork, woodwork and bamboowork, dolls, and other work.


Textile - Atsushi Ogura

This is an unparalleled opportunity to appreciate treasured techniques that have been passed down over countless generations. Each piece offers not only a snapshot of Japanese culture, but also a glimpse of the way of life which gave birth to it.

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The 65th Japan Traditional Kōgei Exhibition


September 19th - October 1st, 2018
Open Daily 10:00 - 19:00
(Closes at 18:00 on the final day)


Nihombashi Mitsukoshi Main Building and Annex 7F, Exhibition Halls