Savor Aichi’s Delicious Food In Winter! Vegetable And Fruit Picking, Gourmet, And Shopping

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    • 2020-06-10

Aoi Park: Must-Visit Spot in Hekinan
Harvest Carrots and Mini Tomatoes, and Buy from Local Markets!


Experience immersive agricultural activities at Aoi Park in southern Hekinan. You can spend the whole day here. Buy fresh produce directly from farmers at Mogitate Hiroba and have fun harvesting in the fields with the Mogitori Taiken Noen activity. You can also try herbal hot springs and tour a greenhouse.


We were looking for Hekinan Bijin, a sweet and delicious type of carrot grown locally.

The vivid Hekinan Bijin are sweet, have a delicious texture, but lack a distinct carrot odor. They are ideal for use in salads and juice. The cold in winter increases the sweetness, making them great for stewing, too. Their harvest time is from mid-November to early March.


Advanced reservations are not needed to join in the agricultural activities in Aoi Park, making this popular with locals, who come and harvest the various vegetables, like carrots and daikon radish. It costs 150 yen (including tax) to collect four carrots.

A worker showed us how to pull carrots during the tour. They described it as easy: decide on the carrot you want and pull up on the leaves right by the soil. The carrots are buried in the earth, so you don’t know how large or small they are. Not knowing is part of the fun—you will hear shouts and surprised voices across the field when people first pull them out of the soil.

...... read the rest of the article on the Japan Fruits website:
