A symbol of the versatility of Mino-yaki, modern Utsuwa of "Sakuzan-gama"

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    • 日本の文化
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  • 更新日

    • 2019-02-21


Even those who are not familiar with Utsuwa may have heard the name "Mino-yaki" in Gifu prefecture once. Now, let me explain what kind of Utsuwa the famous Mino-yaki is like, it's a bit complicated pottery because its feature is “not having a specific style". Utsuwa is generally referred to as Mino-yaki, which is made in the Tono area, including Toki-shi , Tajimi-shi, Mizunami-shi. This Mino-yaki has several styles with great features such as Shino, Oribe, Koseto. In addition to pottery, porcelain ware produced in this place is also called Mino-yaki. In this way, among Mino-yaki with diversity from ancient times, "Sakuzan-gama” in Toki-shi has been gathering attention recently.

Beautiful modern design


"FLOW" series of "Sakuzan-gama". The pottery is based on refreshing turquoise blue and cream white colors on which you can dish up anything, and affordable with 6,264 yen (tax included, same as below) even for the most expensive pitcher L grip in the photograph.

(Photo: Sakuzan kiln, same as below)

"Sakuzan-gama" appropriately uses four types of soil, more than 100 types of glaze, and furthermore, three types of firing methods. But according to the lineup, the most remarkable feature is clearly the modern sense which is common to all Utsuwa. In a word, minimal and stateless. However, its shaping and coloring are full of exclusive "beauty of usage", far from lacking individuality.

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