A Remnant of the Past in Futuristic Tokyo

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    • 2018-07-17

Tokyo offers a doorway into the future. Eerily functional infrastructure, gargantuan skyscrapers, robot waiters, and capsule hotels signify how Tokyo seems 5 years ahead of the rest of the world. However, amidst this ultramodern society, ‘Tokyo Edo Week’ offers a sanctuary where one can retreat into the past.


More than 400 years ago, Tokugawa Ieyasu made Edo the de facto capital of Japan. Throughout the many years that the Tokugawa Shogunate ruled over Japan, Edo flourished—growing from a small fishing village to one of the largest capitals in the world. In 1868, the Tokugawa Shogunate collapsed, and the city of Edo received its modern label—Tokyo.

Edo represents many things in Japanese culture, but it is most synonymous with the cultural renaissance during Japan’s isolationist period. The explosion of culture during this time brought about a more dignified, refined, and advanced Japan.


Tokyo Edo Week is a celebration of this time period, and more specifically a celebration of that culture. At Tokyo Edo Week, one can expect to be swept back 400 years in time to the bustling streets of Edo, with people walking around in traditional Japanese clothing and stalls set up to eat delicious Japanese food.

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Perhaps the most enticing detail about Tokyo Edo Week is that entry is free. However, one can purchase a more immersive experience.

There is also a ‘yukata’ (traditional Japanese clothing) rental service, where you can also get your hair styled in traditional Japanese fashion. By walking around in a yukata, and eating at the various stalls at the venue, one can obtain a deeper level of immersion into ‘Edo’ culture. There are also stalls set up where you can watch artisans create traditional Japanese goods by hand, and there are even stalls where they will guide you through creating your very own goods.

Please come to Tokyo Edo Week to explore Japan’s past and rich culture!

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Event Details

Duration: July 26, 2018 ~ July 29, 2018

Open: 10:00 – 21:00 (closes at 19:00 on final day)

Venue: Ueno Onshi Koen, Funsui-Mae Hiroba (pavilion in front of the fountains)

Address: Ueno Park, Taito-ku, Tokyo (10 minute walk from Ueno train station, park exit)

Price: Entry is free