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- Japan’s new canned creamy shortcakes turn heads for sweet lovers
Japan’s new canned creamy shortcakes turn heads for sweet lovers
- 트렌드
- 음식・맛집
업데이트 날짜
- 2021-09-20

이 리포트는 영어뿐입니다.
“Wait...what is this!? A cake?”
That’s what one of the workers here at grape Japan thought when they opened the office fridge, and their surprised conclusion wasn’t actually wrong.

They look just like canned beverages, but not quite. Although, they are lined up perfectly with beers and other drinks in the fridge for after-work refreshment… let’s take a closer look!

They are, in fact, shortcakes in a can!

These canned (although the exterior is made of glass) shortcakes have become a popular hit among foodies and sweets lovers across Twitter and Instagram. The novelty of these canned cakes, their cute aesthetic, plus the fact that they’re so fun to eat as well explains why.
Since they are canned, it is easy to pack and transport in a bag without worrying about mushing and ruining the cake!

They are from Risotteria. GAKU, a specialty nighttime parfait shop with main locations in Tokyo and Sapporo city.
A 330ml can of shortcake is 1,100 yen including tax.
They are available in Tokyo, Osaka and Hokkaido.
..... read the original article on the grape Japan website: