A Tour Through the Winter Scenery of the Tohoku Region

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  • 업데이트 날짜

    • 2019-01-06

The Tohoku Region is very cold in winter! But it is covered in very beautiful scenes that won't be stopped by the cold! This time we would like to introduce some aspects of Tohoku that are particularly appealing in winter. On a map of Japan, the Tohoku region stretches out from the northern side of the Kanto region. There is still a lot of nature left here, so you can enjoy sightseeing through the scenic natural beauty! This edition is the special December collection, so with a little luck, perhaps you can make some special memories of time spent amongst these winter scenes. The journey starts from your arrival at the station!

First, we will introduce Zao Onsen, a recommended sightseeing spot in Yamagata.

Zao Onsen Ski Resort (Yamagata) [藏王溫泉滑雪場(山形)]

During the ski season at Zao Onsen from Saturday December 22 to Sunday March 3, you can enjoy the breathtaking "ice monsters," trees covered with ice and snow. At the Zao Onsen Ski Resort, because of the Zao Ropeway from the entrance of the Yokokura Slope, you can get winter clothes at a rental shop, etc., and then head right for the slopes! And as you can guess from the resort's name, you can also enjoy skiing and snowboarding surrounded by the ice monsters! If you have a little extra cash to spend, you'll also want to enjoy renting ski and snowboarding gear, too. The temperature drops to -10 degrees near the summit, so make sure to protect against the cold!


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You can enjoy the captivating snowy scenery of winter in the Tohoku region.

Next, we will introduce winter illumination events from Sendai City in Miyagi Prefecture!

2018 SENDAI Pageant of Starlight (Miyagi) 【2018SENDAI光のページェント(宮城)】

The 2018 Sendai Pageant of Starlight is a large illumination event carried out in Sendai City in Miyagi Prefecture in winter. This event is held from Friday, December 14 to Monday, December 31, and the zelkova trees lining the warmly lit Jozenji-dori Avenue are awash with light. When snow falls, the shower of light reaching to the end of the avenue shimmers against the snow for an even more captivating scene! The brilliantly illuminated Starlight Wink light display has also received rave reviews from visitors to this spectacle of darkness and light. Don't miss this spot if you come to Sendai!

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