The world’s largest planetarium will welcome you!Let’s experience the wonder of science with five senses.

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    • 2020-10-01

Shirakawa Park near the downtown area of Nagoya City (also known as the Forest of Art & Science). In the Park, there is Nagoya City Science Museum looking like something to appear in SF movies. It consists of three buildings; Astronomy building, Science and Technology building, and Life Sciences building. Especially, a spherical structure of the Astronomy building attracts attention. In the upper half of this sphere, the world’s largest planetarium dome “Brother Earth” is located. Now, in addition to the planetarium, we will introduce four popular large exhibits; “Exploring Water”, “Tornado Lab”, “Electric Discharge Lab”, and “Deep Freezing Lab.” By understanding science and technology deeply involved in our lives through these facilities, you must be able to find something interesting and fun just a little bit different from amusement parks.

In the Guinness Book-registered planetarium [Brother Earth], a sense of different dimension is also Guinness class!?

Aiming to replicate an actual starry sky as accurately as possible, the renewed planetarium [Brother Earth] was open in March 2011. With a 35-meter inside diameter of the dome, it has been recognized in the Guinness Book of World Records for the world’s largest planetarium. Equipment to reproduce the starry sky installed in the dome is also the world’s most advanced system. As a core of the system, two projectors are used. The optical “UNIVERSARIUM Model IX planetarium” (upper photo) can replicate locations of visible 9,100 fixed stars, project celestial scenes uncanny in their realism, and make the stars twinkle to the life. The digital “Sky Max DSII” has memorized moves of 100,000 fixed stars. It can even project the starry sky in the past and future, and enable visitors to experience simulated space travel.

However, looking up at the night sky for a long time, your neck would hurt. Here, you don’t have to worry. Spacious large reclining seats are available. The entire seat can also swing right and left. It’s so excellent. With exclusively designed sound systems, you can comfortably enjoy seeing the starry sky.
Projection time is approx. 50 minutes. The Projection that tourists can enjoy is called “General Projection”. Please note that the schedule of General Projection varies depending on days.

[Exploring Water] full of unique experiment equipment

“Exploring Water” is kids’ favorite large exhibit using the double-height space on the 2nd and 3rd floors of the Science and Technology building. It consists of four stages for clouds, rainfall, rivers, and oceans. The process of water circulation and the properties of water are shown with dramatic lighting and sound. Starting every 5 minutes before every hour, it is performed for approx. 5 minutes.

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