Test your courage at the Kimodameshi Exhibition in Sendai

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    • 2020-07-26

If you’re not a creepy crawly fan, then watch out as there are some seriously freaky critters about!
(also be warned, this article has some images of stereotypically creepy animals)

As part of a joint production with Tokuyama Zoo, the Sendai Kimo Domeshi Exhibition Executive Committee will be holding a hair-raising event; the Kimodameshi Exhibition, just outside of Sendai station.

If you know the meaning of “Kimodameshi” then you have probably already worked out what this event is all about, but for those who don’t know – the act of kimodameshi is a “test of courage” which Japanese undertake to establish courage. Kimodameshi most commonly happens amongst the younger generations, who visit unsettling locations (cemeteries) or challenge their fears with extreme activities (high diving, abseiling). There are, of course, people of all ages who continue to test their own limits throughout their life. However, most of us prefer to keep to our comfort zones.


This year the event will be showcasing around 30 different kinds of creatures from across the world which stereotypically produce a “bad feeling” amongst people. Some of the categories covered will include poisonous creatures, animals considered as “bad omens”, and creatures that like eating insects.
You can test out your own courage by getting up and close to the exhibits, and learn useful facts and tips on pest control and prevention.
*Photography is welcome at the exhibition, but staff kindly ask that camera flash is turned off.



If you are blessed with bravery, feel free to take a step further and get your hands on some insect candy and snacks. The exhibition offers a lineup of edible snacks made from insects that can’t be found anywhere else in Japan:

...... read the rest of the article on the grape Japan website:
