Exploring Untapped Kagoshima

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  • 更新日

    • 2020-02-17

An untapped, idyllic prefecture at the southern-most tip of Japan’s central island, Kagoshima is abundant with stunning scenery and local charm. Natural parks, hot springs, and volcanoes can all be accessed within Kagoshima’s borders. A perfect utopia for travelers who enjoy experiencing nature and a more relaxed lifestyle, the prefecture of Kagoshima is one that must be visited.

How To Get To Kagoshima

Kagoshima is a long way from the typical tourist destinations, which include the thriving metropolis of Tokyo and the cultural capital of Kyoto. Because of this distance, it is recommended to work a visit to Kagoshima into a larger trip.


Just around 3 hours or so from Hiroshima by shinkansen (bullet train), with trains operating at a variety of different speeds and prices, the prefecture can be easily accessed by travelers already outside the reaches of the Kanto/Tokyo area.

From Tokyo, it can be accessed by a variety of lines, such as the Tokaido, Sanyo, and Kyushu shinkansen. The trip can take between 7 to 8 hours, and requires a transfer at an in-between station, which is typically either Shin-Osaka or Hakata.

A short flight from Tokyo (either Haneda or Narita) to Kagoshima Airport, takes around 2 hours and between 11,000 to 44,000 yen, if discounted tickets are available. From the airport, a shuttle bus is necessary in order to reach the Kagoshima city center, and takes around 50 minutes. Regardless, the opportunity to experience Kagoshima is well worth the distance traveled.

What You'll Find in Kagoshima - A Relaxing Lifestyle

A trip to Kagoshima will not keep you up until all hours of the night with neon lights and 24/7 restaurants, but rather introduce to travelers a different pace of the Japanese lifestyle. Here, the people are kind and curious and always eager to offer assistance.

There are many different positive aspects about Kagoshima and reasons to make the journey to the prefecture. But above all, the natural sights of Kagoshima are unparalleled, and are worth it alone to make a journey. Fans of onsen, the Japanese-style hot springs where visitors must separate by gender and then strip, will be thrilled by the variety that Kagoshima offers. All prefectures in Japan offer onsen experience, but Kagoshima is particularly well known for their springs.

One of a Kind Onsen Experience


At the very edge of Kagoshima, and therefore, at the very edge of Japan’s main island, is an outdoor onsen with an incredible view. These rotenburo, as they’re called in Japanese, are breathtaking hot springs that are not simply just hot water, but rather natural springs that are not contained by a roof and walls, which invite in the elements and the fresh air. In a prefecture as pristine as Kagoshima, the untainted ocean breeze is a welcome sensation.

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