Sendai Travel Guide: 12 Sightseeing Spots, Food, Access, And More

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    • 2019-04-29

Sendai, located in Miyagi, is a city filled with famous places where you can experience history, culture, and enjoy nature. In this article, we’ll introduce shrines, local food, travel itineraries, and how to get to Sendai from Tokyo.

Sendai – The Gateway to the Tohoku Region

Sendai, in Miyagi prefecture, is the most populated city in the Tohoku region. It is the heart of the government, economy, and culture of this region.

In the outskirts of the city, you can go to the hot spring districts of Akiu Onsen and Sakunami Onsen, or travel 30 minutes by train to Matsushima, an area boasting one of Japan’s three most scenic views. The city is also convenient when sightseeing in the Tohoku region.

The city’s history begins from the construction of Sendai Castle in 1600 by Date Masamune (1567-1636), a daimyo (feudal lord) during the Sengoku period. He was a popular military commander and many people came to visit the area associated with him. Even now, Buddhist temples and Shinto shrines associated with Date Masamune remain in Sendai.

The area is also famous for gyutan (beef tongue) and zundamochi (mochi covered in mashed soybeans), making it an ideal gourmet destination. In this article, we’ll introduce a guide on things to do and spots to visit in Sendai so you can experience all this city has to offer.

Table of Contents

A Temple and Shrine Tour
┗1. Zuihoden
┗2. Osaki Hachimangu
┗3. Sendai Castle
Enjoy Gourmet Cuisine
┗4. Visit Kisuke for Gyutan
┗5. Ocha no Igeta Ichibancho – Zunda Sweets
Enjoy Shopping
┗6. Shopping Arcades
┗7. Sendai Kogensha
┗8. Jozenji-dori Avenue
┗9. Sendai Mediatheque
┗10. Sendai Asaichi
Travel to Hot Springs
┗11. Akiu Onsen
┗12. Sakunami Onsen
Sendai Model Trip Itinerary
┗Matsushima Sightseeing with a Two Day Trip
┗City Sightseeing and Onsen with Three Days
What to Wear in Sendai
Event Information
Accessing Sendai Station from Tokyo
Value Tickets Great for City Sightseeing

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