Enjoy the Charm of Japan with Citizen Marathons

  • カテゴリ

    • 地域
    • 日本の文化
    • お土産
    • 食・グルメ
    • その他
  • 更新日

    • 2018-07-22


In recent years in Japan, there has been a surge in the popularity of citizen marathons. Marathons are held all over the country, especially during October, when the weather conditions make it easy to run. One attractive point is the unique atmosphere, including the cheering and events, offered at each race. This time we will provide information on marathons you can enjoy just by going to support, as well as gourmet spots near the course.

Kanazawa Marathon

With features such as Kenrokuen, one of the three famous gardens in Japan, this course encircles famous tourist attractions of Kanazawa city in Ishikawa prefecture. There are numerous cheering spots and stages along the course, which makes it exciting when everyone cheers together!


This is the famous restaurant that ignited the "Kanazawa Curry" craze. You do not want to miss the most popular item, "Pork Katsu Curry"!


Chiba Aqualine Marathon

Part of the course is the Tokyo Wan Aqualine, which is used as a highway. 17,000 runners overtake the ocean. At the market where the half and full marathon finish line is, you can enjoy local gourmet, as well as stages where celebrities appear. It is easy for anyone to enjoy.


For more details about marathon and its gourmet food, please click here >>>
